
Hydraulic Services Design Guide 5th Edition March 2022

Hydraulic Services Design Guide 5th Edition March 2022

The first part of the design guide focuses on Copper, with chapters on history, production, specification and limitations. The second part includes design principles, cold water system design, hot water system design, warm water systems, pumps, design guidelines, pipe sizing guide and design methods.

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The conversion from loading units (2) to a flow rate (1) can be seen in the below chart.

UK – Domestic Mains Water Pipe Size Calculator

Welcome to this mains water pipe size calculator for the UK.

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Sizing a Ring Main hardy cross method ring main inlet

Hardy Cross Method – Sizing a Ring Main (FREE Spreadsheet)

Flow rate and friction loss in a pipe network system can be difficult to calculate. When the pipe network is in a ring main (also known as a closed-loop) formation, the calculations are extra difficult.

This difficult calculation is very common for fire hydrant ring main size designs and the ring main design calculations.

h2x Engineering Blog
55% of Building Defects Attributed to Poor Design - are you at Risk?

55% of Building Defects Attributed to Poor Design – are you at Risk?

A study found that human errors that lead to building defects are caused by: Poor workmanship; Poor supervision; Lack of skills and knowledge; Lack of motivation…

h2x Engineering Blog
when the hot water system is being used dead leg circulation

How to Design Hot Water Recirculation Systems in High-Rise Buildings

Lets start with understanding the basics of hot water recirculation systems.

Have you ever waited a long time for hot water to come out of the tap?

h2x Engineering Blog