
Sizing a Ring Main with a Diversified Flow Rate pressure loss

Sizing a Ring Main with a Diversified Flow Rate

It appears that sizing a ring main accurately is a black art within the industry that has no endorsed engineering process or calculations.

When developing H2X, we explored various options as we assessed the most fit for purpose solution to include in our calculations. The different options and each of their pros and/or cons are summarised below.

h2x Engineering Blog
Designers Need to Stop Using 'Length' as a Dead Leg Design Parameter

We Need to Stop Using ‘Length’ as a Dead Leg Design Parameter

No matter what type of building you are designing, you will likely have a design parameter relating to dead legs.

The reason for the design parameter is usually to align with one of the following client requests…

h2x Engineering Blog
Your Next Hot Water System the do's and don't of design

6 Steps You Must Consider Before Designing Your Next Hot Water System

Keep the System Simple sounds like an easy task and it usually is.

However, we have to be careful not to design a system that has any well intentioned errors.

h2x Engineering Blog