
sizing booster pumps

Booster Pumps

Booster pumps increase the water pressure within a system.
As a rule of thumb, you will need a booster pump if either of the following applies…

h2x Engineering Blog
prefab design process graph showing max pressure cold water

Why is Residual Pressure Important?

Calculating Residual Static Pressure is the minimum pressure that you can expect in the water system. It is caused by the water system operating under ‘peak’ conditions.

h2x Engineering Blog
why is static pressure important? we answer this question at h2x engineering

Why is Static Pressure Important?

Static pressure is the maximum pressure that you can expect in the system. It is caused by water being ‘static,’ i.e. there is no flow rate.

h2x Engineering Blog
Pressure Drop Online Calculator

4 Hevacomp Alternatives in 2023

h2x is a modern day Hevacomp – easy to learn, fast to design, incredibly accurate, and offers a range of exports and integrations.

h2x Engineering Blog
Design with Dutypoint Products

Water Flow Rate Calculations

The flow rate calculation is the basis for all of your water system calculations; it informs: Water Velocities, Pipe Sizes, System Pressures, Dead Legs, Heat Loss and Recirculation Plant Sizes

h2x Engineering Blog