
is my water hard or soft

What is hard water?

Hard water is caused by high levels of dissolved minerals, primarily calcium and magnesium, in the water. 
Water picks up these minerals as they pass through rock formations, such as limestone or gypsum, which are rich in calcium and magnesium.

h2x Engineering Blog
isolation valves

10 Steps to Creating an Easily Maintainable System

This one should go without saying… but a correct design is crucial for maintenance because it ensures that the system functions efficiently and effectively, minimising the likelihood of breakdowns, complaints, and the need for repairs.

h2x Engineering Blog
water Tank connection

Water Storage Tanks

A water storage tank is a container used to store and hold water.
Tanks are typical for the following systems: Rainwater collection/irrigation systems…

h2x Engineering Blog

Quality Control in Engineering Designs

Engineers working in design know that quality control places significant demands on their work. From pipe sizing to pressure calculations, engineers must be able to quickly deliver quality systems that are accurate, compliant, and work for the client’s needs.

h2x Engineering Blog
erosion corrosion

‘Erosion Corrosion’ in Water Systems

Erosion corrosion is a type of corrosion that occurs when water flows over a metal surface.
The fluid flow can cause the metal to erode, and this erosion can lead to corrosion of the metal.

h2x Engineering Blog