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The Deakin University and HCAA Peak Flow Rate Calculation Method

Discover the efficiency of the Deakin University and HCAA hydraulic method for peak flow rate calculation.

The Deakin University and HCAA Peak Flow Rate Calculation Method


Hydraulic engineering is on the brink of a significant evolution thanks to new research by Deakin University in collaboration with the Hydraulic Consultants Association of Australasia (HCAA).

This transformative study has re-evaluated peak flow rate calculations through comprehensive real-life data monitoring of four buildings, varying from 115 to 330 apartments in size.

Traditional water system sizing methods, once deemed accurate, are now considered severely outdated and inaccurate.

Real-life peak flow rates are, in fact, much lower than what was previously anticipated.

The study provides exciting news for hydraulic engineers seeking to design more efficient and cost-effective systems.

Benefits of the HCAA Peak Flow Rate Calculation Method:

  • Enhanced accuracy in system designs, leading to correctly sized flow rates
  • More efficient systems, allowing for smaller pipes and thus reducing material and energy costs
  • A reflection of contemporary water use behaviours and the latest advancements in the industry

The new method, which can be implemented using h2x, starkly contrasts the current AS3500.1 standards.

HCAA Peak Flow Rate Calculation Method vs AS3500.1 – Size Comparison:

For 15 Apartments:

  • Peak Flow Rate: The new method suggests a requirement of just 1.41L/s compared to the AS3500.1 suggestion of 2.21L/s
  • Main Pipe Size: A reduction is seen with the new method recommending 40mm over the previous 50mm
  • Equipment Size: The booster pump, recirculation pump and hot water plant all show reductions in size, indicating a leaner approach to system design

HCAA Hydraulic 15 Apartments

50 Apartments:

  • Peak Flow Rate: The new method suggests a requirement of just 2.53L/s compared to the AS3500.1 suggestion of 4.72L/s
  • Main Pipe Size: A reduction is seen with the new method recommending 50mm over the previous 80mm
  • Equipment Size: The booster pump, recirculation pump and hot water plant all show reductions in size, indicating a leaner approach to system design

HCAA Hydraulic 50 Apartments

100 Apartments:

  • Peak Flow Rate: The new method suggests a requirement of just 3.72L/s compared to the AS3500.1 suggestion of 7.55L/s.
  • Main Pipe Size: A reduction is seen with the new method recommending 65mm over the previous 10mm
  • Equipment Size: The booster pump, recirculation pump and hot water plant all show reductions in size, indicating a leaner approach to system design

HCAA Hydraulic 100 Apartments

HCAA Peak Flow Rate Calculation Method vs AS3500.1 – Cost Comparison:

Based on an estimate using Rawlinson’s supply and install prices, there is an 28.75% cost saving on pipes, valves, and fittings when designing with the HCAA peak flow rate calculation method vs AS3500.1 for a 100-apartment building.

Use the HCAA Peak Flow Rate Calculation Method in h2x:

Here is a comparison video of the HCAA and AS3500.1 calculation methods in h2x.

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Further Reading About HCAA Hydraulic:

For those interested in delving deeper into the data and methodology, the full study is accessible at Deakin University’s Research Paper.

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