Great work on getting the UFH tool sorted! A nice feature would be the ability to route feeds into the areas and give their lengths. This would allow for working out pipe runs.
Also, it has the ability to black out certain areas (under shower trays, for instance, as you would have a heating element under there, but it needs to be part of the heat loss.
But so far, it's looking good. 😑
Thanks for the feedback, David! Glad you're liking it so far 🤗
I think both of those features (preliminary pipe runs ex. loop design and blocking out shower trays, kitchen islands etc) will be included in the release of Phase 2 of the UFH tool... and then the loop design will be part of the Phase 3 release. We're excited for these additions and glad to say the work is already underway for what you've suggested.
Keep your eyes peeled and, as always, let us know if you have any other feedback!