Version 1.65.0 – Project Sharing, Adjacent Area Temp Settings & More
We are excited to announce the release of h2x Version 1.65.0, featuring a range of new features, improvements and maintenance to improve your overall experience with the design software.
On the whole, this update includes our new project sharing, adjacent area temperature settings, catalog customisation, new onboarding, and more.
New Features
– Added the ability to share the project from the design page.
– Introduced the ability to globally set the temperature of an adjacent internal area. For example, an apartment next door which doesn’t form part of the designed space.
– Corrected faulty roof drawings that caused calculation errors.
– Fixed issues with rectangular vent risers affecting heat loss calculations.
– Addressed an issue where pipe sizing overrides were not working for Carbon Steel pipes with spare capacity.
– Resolved a type issue in PDF generation.
– Updated custom material U values to display with two decimal places.
– Added support for multi-pipe drawing from the middle of conduits.
– Removed the Appendix export step from the Design Report Export.
– Default results display is now pipe and duct sizes only for a cleaner look.
– Enhanced the ability to turn off groups of results by entities and categories.
– Adjusted ventilation flow rate to align with heating and cooling load requirements.
Version 1.64.1
– Fixed MDPE pipe material not being available in the UK locale.
– Corrected an invalid Imperial level measurement.
– Fixed an error where results filters were not working for drainage pipes.
Version 1.64.0
New Features
– Users can now remove specific pipe sizes from the catalog.
– Resolved annotation box components having invalid parent structures.
– Corrected result text alignment.
– Fixed issues with custom materials.
– Fixed an error with US fitting selections.
– Updated thermal conductivity wording to align with industry standards.
Version 1.63.3
– Resolved an issue where schedules were not rendering.
– Improved error handling for when there are missing values in settings used for calculations.
Version 1.63.0
– Fixed manifold selection issues and loop length validation for underfloor heating.
– Improved results correctness and heated area separation for underfloor heating.
– Resolved issues with undefined values in properties and auto-connection errors.
– Fixed unit measurement issues and warnings for failed loop generation in underfloor heating.
– Addressed pipe sizing issues in the US locale.
– Reduced the size of room visibility buttons.
– Tidied up behavior around manifold rooms.
– Added custom spare capacity fields to room entities.
Version 1.63.0
– Fixed project search functionality.
Version 1.63.0
New Features
– Introduced a new onboarding flow and updated the home button to direct to project home.
– Added retries to organisation logo requests.
– Fixed custom node routing.
– Resolved an issue where duct fittings were not visible in PDF export.
– Corrected rotation issues with FCU insertion.
– Updated the design of raised hex tooltips.
– Improved display of imperial units in room drawings.
– Cleaned up old, unused settings in the software.
– Improved communication between different parts of the software for better performance and stability.
h2x Software
We hope these updates make h2x even more efficient and enjoyable for your projects. We’re always eager to hear your feedback, so feel free to reach out with any thoughts or suggestions.
h2x is a complete design tool that provides accurate calculations, seamless design, precise cost estimates, and detailed MCS documentation, all in one platform. Learn more here.
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h2x: All-In-One Tool for Calculating, Designing, Estimating, and Paperwork
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